June 2016

Why trans-inclusion: a response to trans-exclusionary articles in the Morning Star

The Morning Star recently published two articles in which the authors argued that trans people should not be included in feminist movements and analysis. The articles, by self-described ‘radical feminists’ Jennifer Duncan and Rebecca Reilly-Cooper, were written in a tone of righteous disapproval of the way in which recent movements have moved away from second-wave […]

Why trans-inclusion: a response to trans-exclusionary articles in the Morning Star Read More »

Feminism, Social Reproduction

Everyone First, The Nation Is No Alternative

In or out of the EU, we will still be in Britain come tomorrow By Plan C Birmingham We recently posted the base text of Nationalismus ist keine Alternative, a German campaign against the ‘Alternative for Deutschland’ – the German equivalent of UKIP. At this time, the politics of the centre is crumbling in the

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Anti-fascism, Beyond Europe, Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational

Introducing: „Nationalismus ist keine Alternative“( Nationalism Is No Alternative )

A German nationwide campaign against Fortress Europe and its fans. Below is the campaign statement of the Nationalismus ist keine Alternative (NIKA) campaign, which our comrades from the Beyond Europe platform ums Ganze! are involved in. NIKA operates as a shared slogan and website for various antifascist and antiracist groups in Germany which take both local action

Introducing: „Nationalismus ist keine Alternative“( Nationalism Is No Alternative ) Read More »

Anti-fascism, Beyond Europe, Inter/Transnational
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