December 2016

Alienation As Poverty (Or, The Impoverishment of Poverty and How the Soft Left Makes Our Task More Difficult)

Martin Bradbury, Plan C Birmingham  The key issue at stake in our movements is the issue of how we respond to the increase in poverty under neoliberalism. Austerity represents a systematic attack on the working class and as such the dominant approach of our movements since 2010 has been to counter this with an anti-austerity […]

Alienation As Poverty (Or, The Impoverishment of Poverty and How the Soft Left Makes Our Task More Difficult) Read More »


Rebel Roo #2

Rebel Roo #2 is here. This December issue of the Deliveroo Workers’ bulletin contains updates from London, Brighton, Berlin and Italy as well as information on how to get in touch with union-building projects currently being led by the Industrial Workers of the World and the Independent Workers of Great Britain. If you want to get in

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work
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