February 2017

“We’re Many and Growing At a Global Level” – an Interview with the Strike4Repeal Campaign

As International Women’s day approaches calls for a global women’s strike echo through headlines and social media. Rights that we fought hard to win and considered unassailable seem to be up for discussion. Actions will be taking place in over thirty countries so far; women across the globe are mobilising to take direct action and […]

“We’re Many and Growing At a Global Level” – an Interview with the Strike4Repeal Campaign Read More »

Feminism, Strike

Towards Acid Communism

Keir Millburn, Plan C Leeds.  To commemorate the writer, thinker, music commentator, father, revolutionary and Plan C member Mark Fisher we have been re-posting selections of his work, explaining why they mattered to us as his friends and comrades. I’ve chosen this talk given by Mark last year as it carries the most obvious influence of Mark’s

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Acid Communism

Rebel Roo #4

The fourth issue of the Rebel Roo, a self-organised Deliveroo workers’ bulletin supported by Plan C, is now being distributed around the UK (and further afield). This issue covers the strike in Brighton, Error 503 app crashes, cuts to hours is Middlesbrough, and working conditions in Marseilles.  Riders around the country are getting more and

Rebel Roo #4 Read More »

Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

Spice Up Your Life: Notes on the Presence of the Spice Girls at the London Women’s March

Rosa Campbell shares with us her reflections on the Women’s Marches around the globe. Right now history is being made quickly. Just over a week has passed since the women’s march and things are changing fast. Trump has banned Muslims from entering the US, deliberately failed to mention the Jewish, communist, gay and lesbian and

Spice Up Your Life: Notes on the Presence of the Spice Girls at the London Women’s March Read More »


“A real revolution is a mass of contradictions” – Interview with our member in Rojava

In October 2016 Peter Loo travelled to Rojava* to volunteer as an English teacher and participate in work within civil society – the outcome of over 14 months of organising within the Plan C Rojava solidarity cluster. He is currently working for the SYPG campaign in Qamishlo. As well as directly offering his skills Peter

“A real revolution is a mass of contradictions” – Interview with our member in Rojava Read More »

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