Dear comrades, over the past 3 years of activities, Plan C hasn’t been open to new members. As we regathered after the pandemic, we have been redirecting our political practice to respond to current circumstances. After years of sustained activity, with monthly meetings, in-person gatherings, political education, analysis sessions, and the development of political language and orientation, we would like you to join us in current activities.
Plan C is launching a new membership structure which we hope will enable people to better organise together as Plan C. We want to build a wide community of involvement, whilst developing our capacity to think strategically and making space for variations in capacity and commitment. That is why, we are now open to welcome Friends of Plan C.
To become a friend of Plan C we invite you to subscribe to the organisation to join our community. We organise monthly events, from in-person socials to gatherings, to discussions from political units (areas of political work that the organisation is developing) to induction sessions. We are a subscription-based organisation as we believe this is an essential part of becoming an autonomous organisation. Through our subscriptions over the past years, we have been able to support activities, campaigns and actions beyond our organisation. Our financial model is based on solidarity and support to members and other groups.
Plan C exists to organise in, beyond, and against capital. We believe in building autonomy and supporting pluralist practices, experimental and non-dogmatic tactics, decentralised structures, and organising alongside other radical organisations, with a multitude of other communities, affinity groups, campaigns, and individuals. Join us at our next induction event on Tuesday 25th February at 7.3 pm (details after registration).