Three important dates towards the Mayday Kill The Bill actions

From education unions to political collectives, everyone is getting involved and mobilising for the 1st May Mayday Kill the Bill actions. Here are three important events to get involved in in the lead up this week:

  1. Education Unions Meeting – Tuesday 27th April, 6pm
  2. IWGB Mobilisation – Thursday 29th April, 6pm
  3. #KillTheBill: A History of Civil Disobedience – Thursday 29th April, 7pm

Details below. Please join if you can and share with anyone who may be interested.

  1. Kill the Bill: Education Unions Meeting
    Join the education unions on Tuesday 27th April, 6pm for an online meeting on Kill the Bill. Speakers from IWGB, UNISON, NEU, UCU and No More Exclusions will discuss the significance of the Bill for the education sector and how our unions can support the movement to Kill the Bill ahead of the Mayday day of action. You can register for the event using this link.
  1. KillTheBill IWGB mobilisation
    It’s time to mobilise and #KillTheBill! Join the IWGB for this event to discuss mobilising on May 1st and beyond. We will discuss how the bill will affect the IWGB as a union and campaign victories that would not have been possible if this bill were to pass. Join the meeting on Thursday 29th April at 6pm:
  2. #KillTheBill: A history of civil disobedience and resistance
    For the last few weeks people across the country have come together and taken to the streets to Kill the Bill. In preparation for our Mayday of Action we are hosting an online rally on Thursday, April 29th at 7pm.

Our resistance to this bill is part of a long and powerful history of grassroots struggle against state violence and repression. From protests against past policing bills to riots against racialised police violence; from Hillsborough & Orgreave justice campaigns to resistance against raids on migrants and sex workers. Time and again when working class communities have come under attack, they have fought back.

Join us on Thursday to learn from these past struggles and get ready for May 1st!

photo: @GuySmallman

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