Plan C London

High on the Feminist Tide: Ni Una Menos, the Women’s Strike and a revolution for all

“The women’s strike made us protagonists in history.” On a heatwave evening on a busy street corner in Bethnal Green, the shouts of “Marielle vive” and “Jin, jiyan, azadi” rang out. These chants — the first commemorating Marielle Franco, a black feminist socialist organiser from the Maré favela of Rio de Janeiro who was assassinated […]

High on the Feminist Tide: Ni Una Menos, the Women’s Strike and a revolution for all Read More »

Counter-power, Feminism, Inter/Transnational, Kurdistan, Social Strike

Against the Logistics of Exploitation. Stockholm November 23-24th 2018

We republish the call for the next Transnational Social Strike Platform meeting which will take place on the weekend of November 23-24th in Stockholm, Sweden. For more information and translations of the call please checkout the TSS website. Last year helped published a reader on logistics which is a great place to start on understanding

Against the Logistics of Exploitation. Stockholm November 23-24th 2018 Read More »

Kurdistan, Social Strike

Reflections on Italy’s new government

We have translated this text by Italian neo-workerist economist Andrea Fumagalli, first published on Fumagalli analyses Italy’s new right-wing government resulting from the alliance of far-right Lega Nord and populist Five Star Movement (M5S). Some people, especially outside of Italy, have thought of the M5S as a leftist electoral force. The M5S, however, has

Reflections on Italy’s new government Read More »

Anti-fascism, Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational

Organising autonomously – an interview with AO from Sweden.

In February this year one of our members had a chance to sit down with a comrade from Autonom Organisering (AO) in Lund, southern Sweden. They talked about the Swedish political situation and AO’s wider network, the Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (ARNA), who we first saw mobilising for the G20 in Hamburg. Could you briefly

Organising autonomously – an interview with AO from Sweden. Read More »

Actions, Anti-fascism, Beyond Europe, Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational

Where do we go from here? On the future of social reproduction after the Women’s Strike.

“A shorter version of this article was published previously through Red Pepper, and can be found here”. On the 8th of March, millions of women from all over the world went on strike to protest issues ranging from gendered social reproduction roles, the criminalisation of sex work, to transmisogyny along with many others. The strike

Where do we go from here? On the future of social reproduction after the Women’s Strike. Read More »

Feminism, Social Reproduction, Strategy

Against Macron and his world: Communiqué from the ZAD

This communiqué, from the evening of Wednesday 11th April, recounts the mood of the ZAD after 3 days of evictions. The government announced the eviction of the ZAD on the 17th January, along with its abandonment of long-standing plans to relocate a nearby airport to the land. The 31st of March marked the end of the

Against Macron and his world: Communiqué from the ZAD Read More »

Climate/Ecology, Commons, Counter-power, Inter/Transnational, Radical Municipalism

Struggles in education and political re-composition: On the latest UCU strikes

The student movement which started in 2010 in protest of the tripling of tuition fees in higher education predominantly took the form of direct action, with its preferred tactic being the occupation of public space. This was a powerful act of defiance against the privatisation of services forced through austerity. While we should have no

Struggles in education and political re-composition: On the latest UCU strikes Read More »

Education Struggles, Strike, Work

Anna lives on. Report from the Defend Afrin demonstration in London

On Saturday March 31st, around 1,000 people converged on Old Quebec Street, Marble Arch, London to demand that the body of Anna Campbell be returned and that a ceasefire is called on Turkey’s invasion of Syria. Anna was a 26 year old anarchist and anti-fascist comrade, killed alongside two close comrades by an airstrike while

Anna lives on. Report from the Defend Afrin demonstration in London Read More »

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