
Solidarity to the arrests at the Beyond Europe camp protest, Greece.

Love and solidarity to the 70 + arrested from the Beyond EuropeCamp today. A social and ecological action against mining resulted in a lot of gas and a lot of arrests, including activists from outside Greece, mostly Germans . Plan C members were there at the action, and have been at the camp, and are

Solidarity to the arrests at the Beyond Europe camp protest, Greece. Read More »

Beyond Europe, Inter/Transnational

Call for a transnational social strike meeting in Poznan 2-4th Oct. 2015

Austerity is now the new normality in Europe. In these years monetary policies have been used to enforce neo-liberal labour reforms, privatization of the commons, cuts in welfare benefits and less civil rights. European governments and financial institutions use debt and technical parameters as a political tool to play workers and populations against each other, as the blackmail against Greece has shown.

Call for a transnational social strike meeting in Poznan 2-4th Oct. 2015 Read More »


The Meaning of OXI

For the last five years, Greece has been subject to a series of harsh austerity measures imposed by the Troika (the IMF, ECB, and European Commission) in exchange for loans that, in many cases, have been used for little more than repaying existing loans. These austerity measures follow the tried-and-tested neoliberal readjustment programmes we’ve seen

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Greece needs a Plan C: for the commons and communality

Article written by Jerome Roos for ROAR magazine Whatever the outcome of the referendum, tough times are ahead. To survive, Greek society will need to reinvigorate the commons and communal solidarity. Image: A solidarity kitchen in Greece. The poster in the back reads “Free Food for All” (by Marko Djurika). As the Greek debt crisis enters

Greece needs a Plan C: for the commons and communality Read More »

Commons, Social Reproduction
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