
WTF Is To Be Done?!

Back in July Leeds Plan C hosted ‘WTF Is To Be Done?’, a three part series of reading groups on the subject of organisation. We’ve collated some notes from those discussions into a single document in order to use it as the basis for a follow up discussion on October 7th. [Pdf: WTFITBD] WTF IS

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Marseille Anti-fascist Demonstration – Saturday 14th September.

Just as fascists from Oswald Moseley to Tommy Robinson have never been welcome in East London, there french counterparts have never had it easy in Marseille. Despite this, Marie Le Pen’s Front National (the FN), a more electorally successful version of the British National Party (gaining 17.9% of the overall vote in the 2012 presidential elections), decided

Marseille Anti-fascist Demonstration – Saturday 14th September. Read More »


Report on the Murder of Pavlos Fyssas by Newspaper Collective Drasi

This is a short statement and call out from our comrades in the radical newspaper collective Drasi about the murder of Pavlos Fyssas an antifacist living in Piraeus. The day that should not have dawned … Yesterday’s murder of Paul Fyssas had been prepared long ago. Prepared by the neo-Nazis , with their constant violent

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Report from the Anti-EDL Demonstration in Tower Hamlets (7.9.13)

As the dust settles from Saturday the 7th of September’s demonstration against the EDL we should start reflecting on what happened that day and what it means for present anti-fascist struggle and the struggle of the wider left on the streets. A few things mark out the Tower Hamlets mobilisation. As both the EDL’s attempt

Report from the Anti-EDL Demonstration in Tower Hamlets (7.9.13) Read More »


For A Universal Basic Income

Since the 2008 financial crisis it has become increasingly impossible to survive on wage labour. In real terms, wages in the UK have declined by 5.5 percent since 2010; the fourth worst in the European Union. Combined with the reduction of the social wage and chronic unemployment (and underemployment) the situation is worse than any in

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The crisis of work: notes towards a workless wage

This was first published in the Anti-Capitalist Initiative ​’s Which Way?, a free publication given out at the People’s Assembly in London on 22nd June. We were commissioned to write a very brief piece sketching a few of the ideas we’ve been thinking about around the economic failure and social misery of a society predicated on work.  Work isn’t

The crisis of work: notes towards a workless wage Read More »

Social Reproduction, Work

Workers Against Work Working Group Introductory Statement – Expanded Version

This is an expanded version of Manchester Plan C’s Workers Against Work Working Group brief introductory statement. In 1930, considering the possibilities of 2030, the liberal economist J.M. Keynes expected that “man [sic] will be faced with his real, his permanent problem – how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy

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