
Manchester Plan C Launches New Working Group: Workers Against Work

In 1930, when thinking about the future, liberal economist J.M.Keynes believed that; “man [sic] will be faced with his real, his permanent problem – how to use his freedom from pressing economic cares, how to occupy the leisure, which science and compound interest will have won for him, to live wisely and agreeably and well.” […]

Manchester Plan C Launches New Working Group: Workers Against Work Read More »


Opposing the EDL in Leeds

Saturday June 1st saw the far-right use the murder of Lee Rigby to mobilise across the country and push their racist ideology. In Leeds we saw one of the largest turnouts of the day by the EDL, who used the opportunity to march through the city centre to the war memorial in an attempt to

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Education Commission Report #2: Education at the Border

“Over the past twelve months we have watched as universities have been dramatically transformed through tuition fee increases, job cuts and restructuring, privatisation and financialisation. Less attention, though, has been drawn to other insidious changes in the sector: the transformation of the classroom and university into a border checkpoint and university workers into immigration control”.

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Borders/Migration, Education Struggles

A spectre haunts British politics – Thatcherism

It has been noted that Margaret Thatcher’s electoral triumph hastened the emergence of what is now referred to as the ‘post-political consensus’ that came to dominate debates pertaining to the limitations of contemporary parliamentary democracy. We are pleased to see that her recent death has re-ignited political opinion and debate regarding neo-liberalism, and its legacy

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State Violence

Up we rise: Reflections on global rebellion

Reblogged from The Free Association Published by Zuccotti Park Press as part of their Occupied Media Pamphlet Series + + + “Fantasy wears boots, desire is violent, invention is organised.” – Antonio Negri “Hundreds of protesters stormed the building after smashing through the windows chanting ‘die Tory scum’. Rocks, wooden banners, eggs, rotten fruit and

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Actions, Austerity, Inter/Transnational, State Violence, Strategy

Reflections on #Mar25 at Sussex University

The occupation at the University of Sussex began on 7 February over the university management’s intention to outsource 235 jobs to private companies. Since then a “Sussex Against Privatisation” blog has received heavy traffic and yellow squares – the adopted symbol of the campaign – have become ubiquitous across the campus, adorned everywhere from coats

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Education Struggles

Occupy Sussex Press Release

Press Release – 25/03/13 – 4.30pm Today marks an important and momentous day in the history of resistance at Sussex University and in the United Kingdom. At 1pm today, students from across the country stood alongside academics, university staff and others in a mass display of solidarity and expressed anger at the Management of Sussex

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Education Struggles
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