
On the Labour Party

This contribution to our on-going discussions about the Labour Party was written by Kai from Plan C Manchester.   Depending on who you ask, the Labour Party is either becoming a new social movement or it has become a highly effective revolution-prophylactic. Still others hedge their bets and say it demonstrates both ‘tendencies’. In any […]

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Commons, Plan B+


The following blog piece on ‘migrant labour’ in Italy was written by plan c member, Richard B. You can read the first instalment here. Notes on labour The very term “migrant labour” can be misleading, as it melds together both the mobility of the workforce within Italy for seasonal agricultural work and the birthplaces of the members

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Corbynism from (the Great) Below

The following article is one in a continuing series on Corbynism and the Labour Party. It was written by Plan C  Manchester member Bert Russell and offers his take on the ongoing discussion. As a fitting warm-up to the “Official” Fuck the Tories pre-protest party, Manchester & Trafford Momentum hosted an event entitled “Labour in Power”[1]

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Plan B+

Dreams, Memes, Labour and Us

*Image Disclaimer: some members of Plan C made these stickers, and some other members of Plan C are dead against them (see forthcoming article): complex times? The following article is one in a continuing series on Corbynism  and the Labour Party. It was written by Plan C member Tabitha Bast and offers her take on the ongoing discussion.

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Plan B+

WTF is the Commons? FF17 Input

The commons is a complicated vision of autonomy, where freedom from and freedom to are brought together in a messy experiment. Commoning is not ‘the’ solution, but it is a crucial tool to be used in building liveable lives in, against and beyond the state and capital.Just how practical is it to think that we can make our lives autonomous from the state and the market? What are the barriers to doing so?

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Festival Input: Anti-Fascism and the Commons

Liz Fekete (Institute of Race Relations) has kindly turned her speech from the opening plenary of Fast Forward 2017 into this text. Some points towards understanding the importance of anti-fascism for the Commons and the development of counter-power. They Shall Not Pass – in its broadest sense – is a passionate encapsulation of the interdependent relationship between the fight for humanity and the defence of the Commons.

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Zero Boats #3

If in July 2017 landings were half of those in July 2016, August almost saw a blockade: less than 4,000 people arrived from Libya. In September landings were still at a low level compared to previous years, but picked up, at just over 6,000 people arriving in Italy. In recompense, Italian conservative forces have had

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Cable Street and Beyond

The following article was written by Brighton Antifascists.   On the 4th October 1936, tens of thousands of anti-fascists turned out to stop Mosley’s Blackshirts marching into the East End of London. Nevertheless, Mosley was able to carry on recruiting and indeed marched again within the week. A year later, an equally large march was met

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TSS Reader: Logistics, Power, Strike: Elements for the Political Infrastructure

Introduction by the TSS PLATFORM This reader collects texts written by workers, activists and trade union members from several European countries, who took part in the discussions promoted by the Transnational Social Strike Platform around the issue of logistics. Since the beginning, as TSS platform we recognised that logistics poses an unavoidable political challenge to

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Inter/Transnational, Kurdistan, Social Strike

The Social Strike Game

The Social Strike Game is a tabletop group strategy game that’s fun for all the comrades. It’s an opportunity to use your imagination to figure out ways that an array of different groups and resources in a city can co-ordinate to develop social struggle in a revolutionary direction, build community, deal with crises, respond to

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Kurdistan, Social Strike

Initial thoughts re: The World Transformed, the Labour Party and the Libertarian Left.

Any movement that could emerge and go beyond the limits (real or imagined) of the LP will almost certainly grow from within the base of the LP and its external support networks. So we need to get involved with these initiatives, argue our case for something larger than electoralism alone and get organised within these forms- but that doest imply subsumption- we need to leave communication, exit strategies and back channels open. This is essential if we are not to be outmaneuvered or defeated if Corbyn’s leadership collapses

Initial thoughts re: The World Transformed, the Labour Party and the Libertarian Left. Read More »

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