“Police everywhere, justice nowhere!”: Gilets Jaunes on the streets of Nîmes

As the Gilets Jaunes movement continues, we republish this article by Paul Cudenec of the Shoal Collective. The article results from participant observation among the Gilets Jaunes in the Southern French town of Nîmes, it was originally published by Winter Oak. I had been warned not to say anything to anyone about the meet-up point […]

“Police everywhere, justice nowhere!”: Gilets Jaunes on the streets of Nîmes Read More »


A las barricadas: Building new kinds of barricades

The following text was produced to accompany a creative workshop by Plan C Aesthetics Cluster at the Fast Forward festival 2018, entitled: Building New Kinds of Barricades. Over the course of the weekend, we collectively managed to instigate the spontaneous construction of three different barricades: one which accumulated on site over the course of the

A las barricadas: Building new kinds of barricades Read More »

Counter-power, Uncategorised

Conscientious Objector in Cyprus Faces Prosecution

As a Conscientious Objector, Halil Karapaşaoğlu faces the possibility of going to prison. The Initiative for Conscientious Objection in Cyprus calls upon all anti-militarist and peace activists to show their solidarity and presence in the coming days and leading up to 3rd January 2019 when a decision will be announced for his case at the

Conscientious Objector in Cyprus Faces Prosecution Read More »

Actions, Anti-fascism, Beyond Europe, Borders/Migration

Statement and call to action by the Internationalist Commune of Rojava

Less than a year after the start of the criminal war of aggression against the canton Afrin, the people of North-Eastern Syria are again confronted with an aggression by the fascist state of Turkey and its Islamist allies. The threats of the Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan are no empty words, are not just election

Statement and call to action by the Internationalist Commune of Rojava Read More »


No to Tommy, No to Fortress Britain: Report on 9th December demo

On Sunday 9th December 2018, a coalition of anti-fascist and anti-racist groups organised to oppose the ‘Brexit Betrayal’ march, led by UKIP’s Tommy Robinson. The coalition was formed by a large section of London residents (see list below), including Feminist Anti-fascist Assembly (FAF), who were due to lead the march. This report of the day

No to Tommy, No to Fortress Britain: Report on 9th December demo Read More »

Anti-fascism, Borders/Migration, Feminism

Paedophilia, rape and ‘grooming gangs’: Why feminism, not the far right, is the answer

I am generally against letting the far right set the terms of a debate. That’s why I think calls from the left to ‘address paedophilia’ are often disingenuous and misguided and actually coming from a similar place to the racist, socially conservative scaremongering of the right. Anyone engaging with far right ideologues on their own

Paedophilia, rape and ‘grooming gangs’: Why feminism, not the far right, is the answer Read More »

Anti-fascism, Feminism
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