Zero Boats #3

If in July 2017 landings were half of those in July 2016, August almost saw a blockade: less than 4,000 people arrived from Libya. In September landings were still at a low level compared to previous years, but picked up, at just over 6,000 people arriving in Italy. In recompense, Italian conservative forces have had […]

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Cable Street and Beyond

The following article was written by Brighton Antifascists.   On the 4th October 1936, tens of thousands of anti-fascists turned out to stop Mosley’s Blackshirts marching into the East End of London. Nevertheless, Mosley was able to carry on recruiting and indeed marched again within the week. A year later, an equally large march was met

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TSS Reader: Logistics, Power, Strike: Elements for the Political Infrastructure

Introduction by the TSS PLATFORM This reader collects texts written by workers, activists and trade union members from several European countries, who took part in the discussions promoted by the Transnational Social Strike Platform around the issue of logistics. Since the beginning, as TSS platform we recognised that logistics poses an unavoidable political challenge to

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Inter/Transnational, Kurdistan, Social Strike

The Social Strike Game

The Social Strike Game is a tabletop group strategy game that’s fun for all the comrades. It’s an opportunity to use your imagination to figure out ways that an array of different groups and resources in a city can co-ordinate to develop social struggle in a revolutionary direction, build community, deal with crises, respond to

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Kurdistan, Social Strike

Initial thoughts re: The World Transformed, the Labour Party and the Libertarian Left.

Any movement that could emerge and go beyond the limits (real or imagined) of the LP will almost certainly grow from within the base of the LP and its external support networks. So we need to get involved with these initiatives, argue our case for something larger than electoralism alone and get organised within these forms- but that doest imply subsumption- we need to leave communication, exit strategies and back channels open. This is essential if we are not to be outmaneuvered or defeated if Corbyn’s leadership collapses

Initial thoughts re: The World Transformed, the Labour Party and the Libertarian Left. Read More »

Plan B+


The following blog piece on Libya and Italy, immigration, and the interests of an international ruling class, was written by plan c member, Richard B. You can read the first instalment here.   Did we really think it was over?  The Italy-Libya deal is even weaker than we thought. August and the first half of September

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TWT 2017 Input: Radical Childcare

Red feminism starts from the idea that reproduction and care are at the centre of our politics and lives. But, our vision of reproduction is one in which we have collectively refused those aspects of reproduction that are part of the problem. So that little girls can dream of being more than princesses. Boys will not just be boys, because boys grow up to the men. Men who will need more than just an understanding of consent and women’s autonomy. A red feminist horizon is one in which the work of reproduction and mothering is not devalued, undertaken because of love or reduced to ‘nature’ – but instead distributed among the community, revalued, supported and celebrated as the work that makes life and labour possible.

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Commons, Feminism


The following blog piece on Libya and Italy, immigration, and the interests of an international ruling class, was written by plan c member, Richard B. Since August 2017, the situation for Africans and Asians attempting to enter Europe without a visa has changed significantly. With the complicated but eventually effective enactment of a deal struck

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The Hamburg “City-Strike”: Towards a Way Beyond the G20 Summit

This article is a different version of a piece published in Vice, and written by a member of Plan C who attended the G20 summit protests. It’s 2am on Saturday morning and in the heart of St. Pauli, a district of Hamburg known for its celebration of counter-culture, the atmosphere crackles with tension. Through the

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Actions, Beyond Europe, Climate/Ecology, Inter/Transnational, Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike

Plan C took to the streets in London

On Saturday July 1st, Plan C took to the streets in London as part of a ‘Knock Out Capitalism’ bloc on the national People’s Assembly demonstration “Not one more day”. Upwards of a hundred people attended the bloc, and acted as a convergence for autonomists and anti-capitalists in what was generally an anti-government/pro-Labour demonstration. Overall,

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