Rebel Roo #6

The April issue of the Rebel Roo, a bulletin for and by Deliveroo workers, is here. This month we’ve got reports from victorious campaigns in Leeds and Brighton, as well as an update from roos in France who are taking on management over pay cuts. After a series of successful first confrontations with management we need to expand

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

In Rojava I can feel victory and freedom: Statement on arriving

A member of Plan C Manchester As a communist and an antifascist I’ve come to Rojava to join the revolution happening here. The social transformations taking place are a shining example of what revolutionaries, with dedication and courage, can achieve in just a short amount a time. The victories for social justice, women’s liberation and

In Rojava I can feel victory and freedom: Statement on arriving Read More »

Anti-fascism, Kurdistan

Saboteurs on the Tills

The retail sector employs 2.8 million people, over 10% of the total UK workforce. If we want to understand how those workers can develop their power and leverage we need to understand the specifics of their work. Two weeks ago we published an anonymous first hand report from the Sainsbury’s shop floor, explaining the labour

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Creatures of the Night: Changes in the Labour Process at Sainsbury’s

The retail sector employs 2.8 million people, over 10% of the total UK workforce. If we want to understand how those workers can develop their power and leverage we need to understand the specifics of their work. It’s in this spirit that we’re sharing this anonymous first hand report from the Sainsbury’s shop floor, explaining

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Women Fight Back: Reports from March 8th

International Womens’ day 2017 saw the first ever International Womens’ strike, and a huge range of activity in the UK and beyond. We collected some texts reflecting on the strike here. The following reports come from a few key areas where Plan C groups either led mobilisations or participated in events that have not been widely reported in

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Feminism, Kurdistan, Social Reproduction, Social Strike, Strike

March 8th International Women’s Strike Reader

Tomorrow will see the first ever Transnational Women’s strike. In over 30 countries around the world women will refuse waged and reproductive work, walkout, demonstrate, blockade, wear black and more. This important moment comes on the back of women’s strikes in Argentina, Spain, Poland and Ireland and large feminist mobilisations against authoritarian nationalism and its

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Feminism, Social Reproduction, Strike

The Impossibility of the International Women’s Strike is Exactly Why It’s So Necessary

Camille Barbagallo The article was originally published on Novara Media. The international women’s strike is impossible. Really, it is. But let’s be very clear – the impossibility of the women’s strike is precisely why it is one of the most important things that needs to be done. The impossibility of the women’s strike is not

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Feminism, Social Reproduction, Strike
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