Accelerate this: Leeds Plan C discusses the Accelerationist Manifesto

Leeds Plan C met recently to discuss the Accelerationist Manifesto, an article which has generated widespread and passionate discussion. This meeting followed on from previous reading groups and a “ten minute tub thump” around the theme of the future. We have posted up (edited) notes from the discussion as we think some people may find them of […]

Accelerate this: Leeds Plan C discusses the Accelerationist Manifesto Read More »


France: 'We want sex, not gender' (note on the alarming rise of the 'gender theory' resistance front and their neo-fascist chums)

  By posting this little write-up of its research, Plan C Manchester is signalling that it is keen to hear from comrades in France and elsewhere facing similar situations—what forms is the anti-homophobia counterpower taking? what struggles lie on the horizon in light of the seemingly effective alliances being forged between single-issue anti-gay-marriage activists and

France: 'We want sex, not gender' (note on the alarming rise of the 'gender theory' resistance front and their neo-fascist chums) Read More »

Feminism, Inter/Transnational, Social Reproduction

#copsoffcampus – #copsoffcampusmcr

This is a shorter write-up by members of Plan C Manchester about Wednesday 11th December’s #copsoffcampus activities. A longer account, written also by members of Plan C Manchester but specifically for the Beyond Europe platform, can be read here. In Manchester, the response to recent events in and around the University of London was heartening. We

#copsoffcampus – #copsoffcampusmcr Read More »

Austerity, Education Struggles, State Violence

Strike! Migrant workers in Italy warn TNT about company plans and raise their voice against immigration law

The night between the 28th and 29th of November the logistics workers of the main TNT warehouses in Italy, organized by SiCobas and AdlCobas, went on strike for two hours,to send a signal to the executives of the multinational and to its corporate restructuring plan that includes substantial cuts to the workforce. A signal aiming at

Strike! Migrant workers in Italy warn TNT about company plans and raise their voice against immigration law Read More »

Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational, Work

WTF Is To Be Done?!

Back in July Leeds Plan C hosted ‘WTF Is To Be Done?’, a three part series of reading groups on the subject of organisation. We’ve collated some notes from those discussions into a single document in order to use it as the basis for a follow up discussion on October 7th. [Pdf: WTFITBD] WTF IS

WTF Is To Be Done?! Read More »


Marseille Anti-fascist Demonstration – Saturday 14th September.

Just as fascists from Oswald Moseley to Tommy Robinson have never been welcome in East London, there french counterparts have never had it easy in Marseille. Despite this, Marie Le Pen’s Front National (the FN), a more electorally successful version of the British National Party (gaining 17.9% of the overall vote in the 2012 presidential elections), decided

Marseille Anti-fascist Demonstration – Saturday 14th September. Read More »


Report on the Murder of Pavlos Fyssas by Newspaper Collective Drasi

This is a short statement and call out from our comrades in the radical newspaper collective Drasi about the murder of Pavlos Fyssas an antifacist living in Piraeus. The day that should not have dawned … Yesterday’s murder of Paul Fyssas had been prepared long ago. Prepared by the neo-Nazis , with their constant violent

Report on the Murder of Pavlos Fyssas by Newspaper Collective Drasi Read More »

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