International Antinationalism!

Introduction The following article was written in the context of the mobilisation for the international project “M31”, a European day of action against capitalism and the crisis. It is a first attempt to describe our approach of “antinational communism”*. Antinationalism is a fairly new, German-specific perspective on left-wing radical politics. It came about in the […]

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From the Defence of the Present to the Control of the Future

Re-published with the permission of Shift magazine. The recent student unrest has massively expanded political possibilities in the UK and Europe. The game is afoot and the next move is to generalise the struggle beyond the education sector. For many an ‘anti-cuts’ message is the way to do this. There is a danger, however, that

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Education Struggles, Strategy

Occupy! Manchester is based on this desire to rediscover ‘direct action’ as a popular political form

Some of the members of Plan C MCR were involved with organising the very first Occupy! Manchester event which took place over a year ago during the Tory party conference in 2011. Whilst it didn’t meet all it aimed to achieve we stand by its attempts at moving beyond familiar forms of political action. For

Occupy! Manchester is based on this desire to rediscover ‘direct action’ as a popular political form Read More »


From Plan A for Austerity to an Anti-Capitalist Plan C: An Interview with David Harvie

Re-published with permission from Shift Magazine. Originally published early 2012. Shift Magazine: There has been much talk of finding an economic ‘plan B’ in the media recently, notably with the New Statesman publishing nine respected economists’ suggestions for George Osborne in October. Could you briefly outline what you see plan A as being and the

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Bang to Rights

By Camille Barbagallo and Nicholas Beuret On 7 May 2007 several thousand ‘migrants’ (some with papers, some without) mobilised and took part in an ongoing campaign, coordinated in the main by religious groups and community organisations, for an amnesty for ‘illegals’ currently living in the UK. While rough surveys amongst the crowd showed that most

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Starting from the social wage

By Camille Barbagallo and Nicholas Beuret. We wrote the following article almost two years ago, when the global economic crisis had in many ways just begun, as had the intensification of the neo-liberal program of ‘austerity’ in Britain. Stuart Hall has recently argued that the current conjuncture must be seen as an intensification and continuation

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