Pandemic struggles in Italy: A report from the 30 April and 1 May strikes

Collective action, carried out with the precautions required by the COVID-19 pandemic, is necessary to generate the ‘social protection equipment’ we need to face the coronacrisis, argues this report on the 30 April and 1 May strikes in Italy originally published by #DemandANewNormal In the occasion of the two-day mobilisation called by ADL Cobas

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Food, poverty, mutual aid: Reflections from Birmingham solidarity kitchen

By Yarrow Way We urgently need a political project to combat food poverty which can deal with the problems of the entire supply chain, including the hugely unequal distribution of land. Reprinted with permission from Freedom News According to a recent report by The Food Foundation, 1.5 million people have reported going an entire day without food

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From Mutual Aid to Dual Power: how do we build a new world in the shell of the old?

By Katie H Mutual aid responses to the pandemic have the potential to develop into new, locally controlled institutions outside of the neoliberal economy and thus form counter-power to both state and capital. The Covid-19 pandemic is rapidly devolving into a vast multi-faceted crisis of social reproduction. The staggering incompetence of international and national governments

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Organising a solidarity kitchen: Reflections from Cooperation Birmingham

By Sergio Ruiz Cayuela, a Plan C member. Originally published in Pirate Care. Covid-19, a “not-so-natural” disaster The global Covid-19 pandemic is being faced by governments and covered by the media as a natural disaster. And in a way they are right: as scientists predicted, the rapid change in climatic conditions has created a favourable

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It’s a small world after all: Internationalism in the 21st century

This perspective was written by a Plan C member currently at the Internationalist Commune of Rojava. The word internationalism might seem self explanatory but it carries a long history. The concept has been evolving ever since the call, “Workers of the World Unite” and the formation of the first international 150 years ago. But if

It’s a small world after all: Internationalism in the 21st century Read More »

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