
Russian anti-fascists under attack: London Solidarity demo

Join us in London on Saturday January 19th as we show solidarity with Russian anti-fascists currently being tortured and repressed by the Russian state, 2pm at CABLE STREET MEMORIAL. 19-1-19 // CABLE STREET MEMORIAL, London, E1 0BL (Facebook event, here: Russian anti-fascists and anarchists are being arrested, framed and tortured in a brutal wave of repression which has put

Russian anti-fascists under attack: London Solidarity demo Read More »

Actions, Anti-fascism, Borders/Migration, Counter-power, Feminism, Inter/Transnational, Strike

Conscientious Objector in Cyprus Faces Prosecution

As a Conscientious Objector, Halil Karapaşaoğlu faces the possibility of going to prison. The Initiative for Conscientious Objection in Cyprus calls upon all anti-militarist and peace activists to show their solidarity and presence in the coming days and leading up to 3rd January 2019 when a decision will be announced for his case at the

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Actions, Anti-fascism, Beyond Europe, Borders/Migration

No to Tommy, No to Fortress Britain: Report on 9th December demo

On Sunday 9th December 2018, a coalition of anti-fascist and anti-racist groups organised to oppose the ‘Brexit Betrayal’ march, led by UKIP’s Tommy Robinson. The coalition was formed by a large section of London residents (see list below), including Feminist Anti-fascist Assembly (FAF), who were due to lead the march. This report of the day

No to Tommy, No to Fortress Britain: Report on 9th December demo Read More »

Anti-fascism, Borders/Migration, Feminism

Anti-deportation activists Stansted 15: Call for support

The Stansted 15 are facing trial next week (starting Monday 1st October) for their protest against the immigration system, which successfully delayed the departure of a deportation charter flight. It is refreshing, after the widespread and justified mainstream outrage about the Windrush scandal, to see genuinely effective actions to end deportations. In this case, some

Anti-deportation activists Stansted 15: Call for support Read More »

Actions, Borders/Migration

Reflections on Italy’s new government

We have translated this text by Italian neo-workerist economist Andrea Fumagalli, first published on Fumagalli analyses Italy’s new right-wing government resulting from the alliance of far-right Lega Nord and populist Five Star Movement (M5S). Some people, especially outside of Italy, have thought of the M5S as a leftist electoral force. The M5S, however, has

Reflections on Italy’s new government Read More »

Anti-fascism, Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational

Organising autonomously – an interview with AO from Sweden.

In February this year one of our members had a chance to sit down with a comrade from Autonom Organisering (AO) in Lund, southern Sweden. They talked about the Swedish political situation and AO’s wider network, the Autonomous Revolutionary Nordic Alliance (ARNA), who we first saw mobilising for the G20 in Hamburg. Could you briefly

Organising autonomously – an interview with AO from Sweden. Read More »

Actions, Anti-fascism, Beyond Europe, Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational

Zero Boats #7

Crisis in the migrant sector The other day, there were landings in three Sicilian ports and in Sardinia. One and a half thousand people who somehow, between one deal and another made far above their heads, managed to get past the Libyan Coast Guard. But they were the exception. Landings are down by two thirds

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Mafia in the Parliament, Naval Battles at Sea, Violence in the Hostels. This is the latest in a series on migration in Italy. You can see the first one here. It’s not going well, to say the least. This week we saw the elections for the Sicilian regional parliament. Sicily represents around 10% of the

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The following blog piece the Italian state and migration was written by plan c member, Richard B. You can read the first instalment here.   Months after the fact, the effects of the Libya-Italy deal, and the dire situation for migrants trapped in Libya, is being given attention by the mainstream press. The Italian government, however, is

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The following blog piece on ‘migrant labour’ in Italy was written by plan c member, Richard B. You can read the first instalment here. Notes on labour The very term “migrant labour” can be misleading, as it melds together both the mobility of the workforce within Italy for seasonal agricultural work and the birthplaces of the members

ZERO BOATS #4 Read More »

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