
The Excess

On Covid and Uncherished Life By Flannán Delaney In the sea just off Grenada is an underwater sculpture park. Circles of concrete human figures, bolted together but each one individual, hold each other’s hands and gaze out into the great expanse of the ocean, as corals and seaweeds claim them. Drowned faces with African features […]

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Pandemic struggles in Italy: A report from the 30 April and 1 May strikes

Collective action, carried out with the precautions required by the COVID-19 pandemic, is necessary to generate the ‘social protection equipment’ we need to face the coronacrisis, argues this report on the 30 April and 1 May strikes in Italy originally published by #DemandANewNormal In the occasion of the two-day mobilisation called by ADL Cobas

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Organising a solidarity kitchen: Reflections from Cooperation Birmingham

By Sergio Ruiz Cayuela, a Plan C member. Originally published in Pirate Care. Covid-19, a “not-so-natural” disaster The global Covid-19 pandemic is being faced by governments and covered by the media as a natural disaster. And in a way they are right: as scientists predicted, the rapid change in climatic conditions has created a favourable

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An inside look at one of Bristol’s new coronavirus mutual aid groups

By Tom Anderson, originally published by The Canary. This article is about my experience of being involved in one of the thousands of new mutual aid groups which have sprung up across the British Isles. It’s the first thing that I have written in this confusing time since the global coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak reached the

An inside look at one of Bristol’s new coronavirus mutual aid groups Read More »

Coronavirus, Counter-power
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