
Shutting it down

A report from the recent System Change Camp and Action Days in Germany. Comrades from Plan C joined Ende Gelande and others in actions to shut down natural gas installations. Last weekend we participated with Ende Gelände, in a mass action camp targeting liquified natural gas (LNG) infrastructure in the port of Hamburg, a key […]

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Climate/Ecology, Inter/Transnational

Discussing solidarity with the Ukrainian working class

On the 25th of June, Plan C hosted a discussion on solidarity with the working class of Ukraine. The discussion features the voices of friends and comrades from Angry Workers of the World, Workers Liberty, Operation Solidarity (Ukraine) and Sotsialnyi Rukh (Ukraine), and explores the current situation and ongoing events in Ukraine. Catch up with

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On the Anniversary of the 2019 November Uprising in Iran

By Collective98[1]  “We are protesting against problems in the whole system in general. We reached a crisis where we noticed that the system cannot handle it anymore.” A Chilean Protester[2]  In mid-November last year, tens of thousands of people in over 100 cities across Iran took to the streets for five straight days. The uprising

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Until it is worth living: Solidarity with the Chilean struggle for a dignified life!

Over the last two weeks, mass popular protests have escalated in Chile putting forward demands including the reduction of social inequalities, better, accessible and public welfare services, and a redressing of the rising cost of living. So far, the mobilisations have culminated in the mass countrywide marches of 25 October, in which over three millions

Until it is worth living: Solidarity with the Chilean struggle for a dignified life! Read More »


The Art of Organising Hope: Social Movements and Critical Theory

by Ana Cecilia Dinerstein On 17 April 2019, Plan C Bristol has held a public debate with Argentinian critical theorist Ana Cecilia Dinerstein as part of the local group’s monthly events series. Dinerstein’s recent work has focused on combining Open Marxism and decolonial feminism, and her best-known book is The Politics of Autonomy in Latin

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Acid Communism, Inter/Transnational, Mental Health, Strategy

Solidarity with the Workers of Wombat’s Hostel Berlin

Wombat’s hostels around Europe don’t have collective agreements on fair wages or works councils. The only exception is the Wombat’s City Hostel in Berlin, where workers got organised, fought and managed to obtain both. Now, the owners want to close down Wombat’s Berlin even though it is highly profitable! Why? It’s simple: union busting! They

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Actions, Inter/Transnational

Letter from the Zapatista Women to Women in Struggle Around the World

ZAPATISTA ARMY FOR NATIONAL LIBERATION MEXICO February 2019 To: Women in struggle everywhere in the world From: The Zapatista Women Sister, compañera: We as Zapatista women send you our greetings as the women in struggle that we all are. We have sad news for you today, which is that we are not going to be

Letter from the Zapatista Women to Women in Struggle Around the World Read More »

Counter-power, Feminism, Inter/Transnational

Russian anti-fascists under attack: London Solidarity demo

Join us in London on Saturday January 19th as we show solidarity with Russian anti-fascists currently being tortured and repressed by the Russian state, 2pm at CABLE STREET MEMORIAL. 19-1-19 // CABLE STREET MEMORIAL, London, E1 0BL (Facebook event, here: Russian anti-fascists and anarchists are being arrested, framed and tortured in a brutal wave of repression which has put

Russian anti-fascists under attack: London Solidarity demo Read More »

Actions, Anti-fascism, Borders/Migration, Counter-power, Feminism, Inter/Transnational, Strike

“Police everywhere, justice nowhere!”: Gilets Jaunes on the streets of Nîmes

As the Gilets Jaunes movement continues, we republish this article by Paul Cudenec of the Shoal Collective. The article results from participant observation among the Gilets Jaunes in the Southern French town of Nîmes, it was originally published by Winter Oak. I had been warned not to say anything to anyone about the meet-up point

“Police everywhere, justice nowhere!”: Gilets Jaunes on the streets of Nîmes Read More »


#EleNao: On Brazil’s General Election and the Rise of the Far Right

On the day of the second round of Brazil’s general election, we repost the statement by the Brazilian Women United Against Fascism UK, who will be protesting today outside of the Brazilian embassy in London. As the fascistoid candidate Jair Bolsonaro could be elected as president, efforts to resist and counterattack the global rise of

#EleNao: On Brazil’s General Election and the Rise of the Far Right Read More »

Anti-fascism, Inter/Transnational
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