
In memory of Josh

We’re devastated to hear of the sudden passing of our comrade and Plan C member from 2016 to 2019, Josh. Those who knew him know he was one of the most genuine, engaged, brave and dedicated revolutionaries of his generation. By 23 he had already become a leading organiser in the Manchester left, contributing to […]

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It’s a small world after all: Internationalism in the 21st century

This perspective was written by a Plan C member currently at the Internationalist Commune of Rojava. The word internationalism might seem self explanatory but it carries a long history. The concept has been evolving ever since the call, “Workers of the World Unite” and the formation of the first international 150 years ago. But if

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Don’t Be Distracted by Empire: We Rise Up for Rojava, Resistance Belongs to its People and Us

A perspective from Plan C’s Kurdistan Cluster on the current struggle in North-East Syria, following the Turkish state’s invasion earlier this month. We’ve said before why the Women’s Revolution must be supported and defended, and others have powerfully argued the same in recent weeks. So, in this moment of existential crisis, we focus on addressing

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Messages from the New Internationalism: Solidarity Across Borders for #RiseUp4Rojava

The 6th and 7th of September were the first days of action for the international campaigns #RiseUp4Rojava and #WomenDefendRojava, with people mobilising for the revolution and its achievements in a number of countries across the world. Here we republish three messages sent by the Internationalist Commune of Rojava, the Rheinmetall Entwaffnen Alliance, and Plan C

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#SolidarityWithoutLimits to the Anti-Fascist Resistance in Turkey – Smash Turkish fascism!

The following statement was agreed by all the organisations in the RiseUp4Rojava platform in response to the Turkish state’s seizure of the three largest Kurdish municipalities on Monday, arresting the mayors and co-mayors along with hundreds of activists. It is important to note the highly gendered nature of this violent coup, with the mostly male

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The War There Starts Here: All Out for #RiseUp4Rojava at the DSEI Arms Fair

Seven years ago, on July 19th 2012 in the city of Kobane in northern Syria, western Kurdistan (Rojava), the People’s and Women’s Protection Units (YPG/YPJ) took over the city from the regime, and Rojava’s revolution began. Since then the Women’s Revolution has defeated one of the most bloodthirsty forms of fascism to have ever existed,

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The Climate Strikes & the Social Strike: Working-Class Environmentalism and Social Reproduction

By Lorenzo Feltrin, a Plan C member. Photo by Tim Maynard. Are the climate strikes “real” strikes? The answer to this question depends on our definition of what a strike is, which is in turn based on our political objectives. It is proposed here that the climate strikes, just like the women’s strikes, are part

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Climate/Ecology, Kurdistan, Social Reproduction, Social Strike

Kurdish hunger strike victory

Following the recent victory of the Kurdish hunger strikers, we republish this statement from the Internationalist Commune After 200 days of incomparable historical resistance, the hunger strikes in Kurdistan, Turkey and Europe have been declared over today. We send our warmest revolutionary greetings to all comrades who took part in the hunger strike and the

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Jin, Jiyan, Azadi! Experiences from the UK’s first Jineology camp

Jineolojî literally means ‘women’s science’ — the word derives from jin, Kurdish for woman. Jineolojî is a critique of the approaches of positivist social sciences, which uphold the structures of states, patriarchy and capital. For the Kurdish women’s liberation movement, jineology is the fundamental theoretical underpinning of new forms of social organisation: it involves engagement

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Feminism, Kurdistan
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