
Beyond #dontbombsyria

None of these situations map perfectly onto one another; war, and this war in particular, is not simple. But we shouldn’t shy away from nailing some colours to a mast when there are some things we know. We know airstrikes on Syria won’t bring about the world we want to see.

Beyond #dontbombsyria Read More »


AngryWorkersWorld Comments on : “On Social Strikes and Directional Demands”

We want to contribute to the discussion on ‘social strikes’, based on a text written by comrades from Plan C. We hope that our thoughts are also relevant for the wider debate within the Blockupy / Transnational Strike network. Please read the following rather as a spontaneous reply…

AngryWorkersWorld Comments on : “On Social Strikes and Directional Demands” Read More »

Kurdistan, Social Reproduction, Social Strike, Strike

5 Things we can Learn from Saturday’s Anti-Austerity Rally in Manchester

On Saturday 23rd May a rally against austerity called by two individuals in Manchester, and backed by the People’s Assembly, took place. About 1000 people gathered in the city centre to hear talks from campaigners and those effected by cuts. Here are a few reflections from the day which also stand as some thoughts about

5 Things we can Learn from Saturday’s Anti-Austerity Rally in Manchester Read More »

Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strategy

London 6.30pm Tuesday 11 November // DEMO at Turkish ambassador's business "networking event".

On Thursday 6th November, Turkish troops murdered Kader Ortakaya, a young woman, at the Turkey-Syria border near Kobanê. She was taking part in a “human chain” demonstration when she was shot in the head. In the last month Turkish soldiers and police have killed around 50 Kurds and others protesting inside Turkey. Meanwhile, across the

London 6.30pm Tuesday 11 November // DEMO at Turkish ambassador's business "networking event". Read More »

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