Social Reproduction

Solidarity Networks and Rent Strikes

This is the text of a pamphlet handed out at the recent Rent Strike Weekender. You can find a pdf of the pamphlet itself here. Renting is shit – but rent isn’t our only problem. We work, more than ever before. We’re depressed and anxious, more than ever before. Life is expensive, academic work is […]

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Commons, Education Struggles, Feminism, Housing, Kurdistan, Social Reproduction, Social Strike, Strategy, Strike

“A Syndicalism of Everyday Life”: A Conversation on the Social Strike

Plan C has an ongoing commitment to the social strike as a strategic and theoretical orientation. This interview attempts to explore some of the ‘big ideas’ in the background of the concept, and speculate on some of the potential ways forward for the theory and praxis of the social strike. The interviewer is Callum Cant

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Social Reproduction, Strike, Work

Why trans-inclusion: a response to trans-exclusionary articles in the Morning Star

The Morning Star recently published two articles in which the authors argued that trans people should not be included in feminist movements and analysis. The articles, by self-described ‘radical feminists’ Jennifer Duncan and Rebecca Reilly-Cooper, were written in a tone of righteous disapproval of the way in which recent movements have moved away from second-wave

Why trans-inclusion: a response to trans-exclusionary articles in the Morning Star Read More »

Feminism, Social Reproduction

Greece needs a Plan C: for the commons and communality

Article written by Jerome Roos for ROAR magazine Whatever the outcome of the referendum, tough times are ahead. To survive, Greek society will need to reinvigorate the commons and communal solidarity. Image: A solidarity kitchen in Greece. The poster in the back reads “Free Food for All” (by Marko Djurika). As the Greek debt crisis enters

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Commons, Social Reproduction

AngryWorkersWorld Comments on : “On Social Strikes and Directional Demands”

We want to contribute to the discussion on ‘social strikes’, based on a text written by comrades from Plan C. We hope that our thoughts are also relevant for the wider debate within the Blockupy / Transnational Strike network. Please read the following rather as a spontaneous reply…

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Kurdistan, Social Reproduction, Social Strike, Strike
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