
Solidarity Networks and Rent Strikes

This is the text of a pamphlet handed out at the recent Rent Strike Weekender. You can find a pdf of the pamphlet itself here. Renting is shit – but rent isn’t our only problem. We work, more than ever before. We’re depressed and anxious, more than ever before. Life is expensive, academic work is

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Commons, Education Struggles, Feminism, Housing, Kurdistan, Social Reproduction, Social Strike, Strategy, Strike

5 Things we can Learn from Saturday’s Anti-Austerity Rally in Manchester

On Saturday 23rd May a rally against austerity called by two individuals in Manchester, and backed by the People’s Assembly, took place. About 1000 people gathered in the city centre to hear talks from campaigners and those effected by cuts. Here are a few reflections from the day which also stand as some thoughts about

5 Things we can Learn from Saturday’s Anti-Austerity Rally in Manchester Read More »

Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strategy

For your safety and security…

This text is one of a series emanating from conversations held at Fast Forward. The texts do not represent ‘positions’, but are instead shared in the spirit of the development, contestation and refinement of ideas which characterises Plan C. Originally published by Anonymous Refused For your safety and security… “This safe space policy is designed

For your safety and security… Read More »


Accelerate this: Leeds Plan C discusses the Accelerationist Manifesto

Leeds Plan C met recently to discuss the Accelerationist Manifesto, an article which has generated widespread and passionate discussion. This meeting followed on from previous reading groups and a “ten minute tub thump” around the theme of the future. We have posted up (edited) notes from the discussion as we think some people may find them of

Accelerate this: Leeds Plan C discusses the Accelerationist Manifesto Read More »


WTF Is To Be Done?!

Back in July Leeds Plan C hosted ‘WTF Is To Be Done?’, a three part series of reading groups on the subject of organisation. We’ve collated some notes from those discussions into a single document in order to use it as the basis for a follow up discussion on October 7th. [Pdf: WTFITBD] WTF IS

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Up we rise: Reflections on global rebellion

Reblogged from The Free Association Published by Zuccotti Park Press as part of their Occupied Media Pamphlet Series + + + “Fantasy wears boots, desire is violent, invention is organised.” – Antonio Negri “Hundreds of protesters stormed the building after smashing through the windows chanting ‘die Tory scum’. Rocks, wooden banners, eggs, rotten fruit and

Up we rise: Reflections on global rebellion Read More »

Actions, Austerity, Inter/Transnational, State Violence, Strategy
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