
Rebel Roo #6

The April issue of the Rebel Roo, a bulletin for and by Deliveroo workers, is here. This month we’ve got reports from victorious campaigns in Leeds and Brighton, as well as an update from roos in France who are taking on management over pay cuts. After a series of successful first confrontations with management we need to expand […]

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

Saboteurs on the Tills

The retail sector employs 2.8 million people, over 10% of the total UK workforce. If we want to understand how those workers can develop their power and leverage we need to understand the specifics of their work. Two weeks ago we published an anonymous first hand report from the Sainsbury’s shop floor, explaining the labour

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Creatures of the Night: Changes in the Labour Process at Sainsbury’s

The retail sector employs 2.8 million people, over 10% of the total UK workforce. If we want to understand how those workers can develop their power and leverage we need to understand the specifics of their work. It’s in this spirit that we’re sharing this anonymous first hand report from the Sainsbury’s shop floor, explaining

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Rebel Roo #5

The March issue of the Rebel Roo, a bulletin for and by Deliveroo workers, is here. This issue contains two big reports from Leeds and Brighton. Workers there have been striking, demonstrating and generally raising hell over bad wages and victimisation! If you want to get in touch with other workers or distribute paper copies

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

Rebel Roo #4

The fourth issue of the Rebel Roo, a self-organised Deliveroo workers’ bulletin supported by Plan C, is now being distributed around the UK (and further afield). This issue covers the strike in Brighton, Error 503 app crashes, cuts to hours is Middlesbrough, and working conditions in Marseilles.  Riders around the country are getting more and

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

Rebel Roo #3

The January issue of the Rebel Roo, a bulletin for and by Deliveroo workers, is here. This issue covers a successful strike by Bristol trainers, Deliveroo being forced to back down over their attempts to victimise a London worker, the City-Sprint legal ruling and a call out from striking Foodora workers in Italy. If you

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

Rebel Roo #2

Rebel Roo #2 is here. This December issue of the Deliveroo Workers’ bulletin contains updates from London, Brighton, Berlin and Italy as well as information on how to get in touch with union-building projects currently being led by the Industrial Workers of the World and the Independent Workers of Great Britain. If you want to get in

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Kurdistan, Social Strike, Strike, Work

“A Syndicalism of Everyday Life”: A Conversation on the Social Strike

Plan C has an ongoing commitment to the social strike as a strategic and theoretical orientation. This interview attempts to explore some of the ‘big ideas’ in the background of the concept, and speculate on some of the potential ways forward for the theory and praxis of the social strike. The interviewer is Callum Cant

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Social Reproduction, Strike, Work

“Every Strike Acts as an Accelerant”: A Conversation about the Social Strike

Plan C has an ongoing commitment to the Social Strike as a strategic and theoretical orientation. This interview hopes to contribute to that process by focusing on the experiences of struggle and the ideas  generated by struggle that the Social Strike is based on. The interviewer is Callum Cant, Plan C Brighton, and the interviewee

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Commons, Strike, Work
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