
Rojava Poster – solidarity price


Availability: 5 in stock

SKU: MERCH-ROJ-POSTER-1 Categories: ,

This is a special solidarity price listing for those who can contribute more.

We’ve got a rerun of these posters in the shop from Radical Routes , a UK network of radical co-ops whose members are committed to working for positive social change. The network is made up mainly of housing co-ops of various sizes, a few workers co-ops, and a couple of social centres. Each year they organize a large fundraiser, and in 2016 they organized to support a cooperative bakery in Rojava, Kurdistan. The official fundraising campaign is over (see HERE for more information), but the money from these prints will make it back to Rojava and the developing coop movement there

Ceinwen is an illustrator based in Wales and mainly uses ink and pixels.
Sean Farmelo is a worker owner of Birmingham Bike Foundry. He does graphic design and printing making.

Printed by Mission Print.


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