
The Meaning of OXI

For the last five years, Greece has been subject to a series of harsh austerity measures imposed by the Troika (the IMF, ECB, and European Commission) in exchange for loans that, in many cases, have been used for little more than repaying existing loans. These austerity measures follow the tried-and-tested neoliberal readjustment programmes we’ve seen […]

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Paul Mason’s new documentary – "Greece: Dreams Take Revenge"

On the 25th January 2015, the far-left party Syriza was elected to power in the Hellenic parliamentary elections. By the party’s own admissions, Syriza’s economic policy amounts to little more than a ‘mild Keynesianism’ – yet the very possibility of a challenge to the new normal of austerity marks a radical break in the last

Paul Mason’s new documentary – "Greece: Dreams Take Revenge" Read More »


Is Kobanê Alone?

by Sandro Mezzadra, translated by Leeds Plan C — Italian | French As part of their Autumn women’s collection, H&M has recently launched an outfit clearly modeled on the uniforms worn by Kurdish female fighters, whose images have been disseminated by media around the world. More or less at the same time, close to the Syrian

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Anti-fascism, Inter/Transnational

France: 'We want sex, not gender' (note on the alarming rise of the 'gender theory' resistance front and their neo-fascist chums)

  By posting this little write-up of its research, Plan C Manchester is signalling that it is keen to hear from comrades in France and elsewhere facing similar situations—what forms is the anti-homophobia counterpower taking? what struggles lie on the horizon in light of the seemingly effective alliances being forged between single-issue anti-gay-marriage activists and

France: 'We want sex, not gender' (note on the alarming rise of the 'gender theory' resistance front and their neo-fascist chums) Read More »

Feminism, Inter/Transnational, Social Reproduction

Strike! Migrant workers in Italy warn TNT about company plans and raise their voice against immigration law

The night between the 28th and 29th of November the logistics workers of the main TNT warehouses in Italy, organized by SiCobas and AdlCobas, went on strike for two hours,to send a signal to the executives of the multinational and to its corporate restructuring plan that includes substantial cuts to the workforce. A signal aiming at

Strike! Migrant workers in Italy warn TNT about company plans and raise their voice against immigration law Read More »

Borders/Migration, Inter/Transnational, Work

The 14th November General Strike: The view from Barcelona

On the 14th of November there was a coordinated strike against austerity across many European countries including Spain, Portugal, Greece, France, Italy and Belgium. As expected, the coverage of the strike in the UK media was limited, to say the least. In response we present written this personal account from Rhiannon Colvin, a veteran of

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International Antinationalism!

Introduction The following article was written in the context of the mobilisation for the international project “M31”, a European day of action against capitalism and the crisis. It is a first attempt to describe our approach of “antinational communism”*. Antinationalism is a fairly new, German-specific perspective on left-wing radical politics. It came about in the

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